The Holiday Party was a great success, with 20 plus attendees.​​
Meeting Location: Wilbraham Senior Center, 250 Springfield Street, Wilbraham
Upcoming Meetings
January 14 - Glen Rossi will present two videos on the use of pallet knives.
​February 11 -​
March 11 - Noreen Acconcio: alcohol inks
(this may change due to WAL Special Project)
April 8 - Alexandra Walters: pastels
May 13 -
June 10 - Susan Kendall: oil
Remember to bring or mail your new season membership check for $25.00 to Sue James, our membership manager.
April - Trinity Church
May/July - Baystate Hospital
Sept - Jewish Community Center
details to follow
More shows to be added as they are confirmed.
email Bev at to sign up