The WAL info slide at the Senior Center

If you would like to become a member of the Wilbraham Art League please click on the link to download our application form. Beginning artists are encourage to join.
WAL has had a Facebook page for a number of years. It supplements communication and publicity posted on this web site and is a very useful tool for getting recognition and involvement with the WAL.
Our Facebook page can be used to provide timely information about current and upcoming events. It can also be used for posting recent activities by our members. For example, a recent painting you have completed or if you have won an award, posts about upcoming non WAL events that might be of interest, and things like that.
While it can be accessed by the public, posts can only be added by WAL Moderators. Please consider submitting something for posting by sending it to our Webmaster, Roger Kellman, at namllek@aol.com.
Winter Juried Creative Challenge
Theme: The Art of Gratitude
Create an image - painting, photograph or any innovative art that inspires gratitude within your heart.
Challenge begins January 2025
Work independently on your art
Show and Tell at March meeting
Juried show in April
Exhibit May & June in our home gallery

Coordinators - Lorraine MacAlpine
& Beverlee Corriveau
Membership - Sue James
Treasurer - Lucy Peltier
Shows - Beverlee Corriveau
Programs - Joyce Emerle
Hospitality - need a volunteer or two
Website - Roger Kellman (namllek@aol.com)
Publicity - Roger Kellman (namllek@aol.com)
Social Art/Plein Air and Board Member
- Glen Rossi
WELCOME to new members:
Sherri Cava
Karen Dalecki
Todd Kelliher
Lee Morrow

Rendering of the new Wilbraham Senior Center
Located behind the Wilbraham Town Hall at 250 Springfield St, Wilbraham, MA 01095

You can see it under construction in this aerial photo.
For an WAL member application for go to the MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION page.
For information about our meetings go to the MEETING AND SHOW SCHEDULE page.
For a list of upcoming shows go to the MEETING AND SHOW SCHEDULE page.
To download the Art Show Submission form go to the ART SHOW SUBMISSION page.
To see a list of WAL member artists go to the ARTISTS page.
Social Art
You are invited to work on your art Mondays, from 1-3 pm upstairs at the new Senior Center. Glen Rossi will be there to meet you. Bring all your own supplies. Ask someone else to come with you!